Therapy Services 'Taylored' to meet your needs

At ‘Taylored’ Therapies, PLLC we believe there is a better way to do therapy. A more individualized and natural way for clients and their families to improve the quality of their lives. We’re passionate about helping others to optimize their health and well-being by improving function at the most basic foundational level. Reflex integration is one of the least understood and most often missed aspects of quality therapy and we see that as an opportunity. We’re excited to bring knowledge of Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration techniques to the Greater St. Louis community via the only MNRI® Core Specialist in Missouri.

At ‘Taylored’ Therapies, PLLC we have chosen to use Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI®) techniques as our primary treatment modality because this method treats the body and mind as a whole ... as they were designed to be.

Learn more about MNRI®

Because reflex integration occurs at all levels of the brain and body when we complete MNRI® techniques we improve our coordination in a variety of areas, including:

  • gross motor (ex. rolling, crawling, walking, running, skipping, climbing, etc.)
  • fine motor (ex. using utensils, handwriting, stringing beads, etc.)
  • oral-motor (ex. articulation, eating, drinking, etc.)
  • ocular-motor (ex. eye alignment, tracking, convergence, etc.)
  • emotional regulation (ex. improving stress resilience, improving tolerance of sensory stimuli, etc.)

'Taylored' Therapies, PLLC

  • 154 Clarkson Executive Park
  • Ellisville, MO 63011
  • (636) 577-8867
Main entrance clinic_main_entrance

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